Welcome to our scientific project webpage gallery, where we showcase some of the exciting images from the Trace&Treat project focused on wastewater post-treatment. Our team is working to develop and test new technologies and methods to improve the quality of wastewater after it has undergone standardized treatment at WWTP.
Here you will find relevant images, graphs, and other visual aids. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how we can make wastewater treatment more effective and environmentally sustainable. Our work has important implications for public health and the environment, as it can help to reduce the impact of persistent pollutants in the wastewater on aquatic ecosystems and human populations.
We invite you not only to browse our project page gallery but also to learn more about our research on wastewater post-treatment. Thank you for your interest in our work, and we hope that our research inspires you to continue exploring the potential of science to address pressing environmental challenges.
Presentation of the project results
Our recent Trace&Treat project presentations marked significant milestones, showcasing our research and innovative solutions across three separate events. Over the course of three days, we held two presentations for the general public and one for the scientific community and relevant corporations. Each event featured detailed presentations and visual displays, demonstrating the impactful results of our work and highlighting advancements that promise to drive future developments in the field. The enthusiastic engagement and positive feedback from attendees underscore the importance and relevance of our findings. We are excited to share these achievements and continue fostering collaboration across different sectors. All presentations are available in the
Downloads section.
Urban Wastewater conference 2023
the conference Urban Wastewater in 2023 two topics concerning Trace&Treat project which is funded by
State Environmental Fund of the Czech republic were presented. One presentation focused on advanced oxidation processes, ozone dosing operation scenarios. Interim results of the were also shown. Second presentation aimed to compare given nature based solutions (constructed wetland, sprinkled bioremediation filters nad activated carbon filter)
in terms of pharmaceutical removal eficacy, ecotoxicity management and also financial overview.
If you are more interested in the research plan of the project, you can visit the conference proceeding with the link https://www.ardec.cz/download/Sbornik_MV2023_web.pdf (pages 115-130) or visit the Downloads section.
Researcher's Night 2023
During the Researcher's Night 2023 in Brno interim results of the Trace&Treat project were presented. The aim of this event was to approach general public and demonstrate the applicability of advanced oxidation processes based on ozonation in combination with nature-based sollutions (constructed wetland, bioremediation filters and activated carbon filters) in order to remove selected types of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites from wastewater treatment plant effluents and from highly loaded point sources (e.g. . medical and veterinary facilities).
We were more than happy to welcome several groups of people in range from 8 to 70 years of age, therefore we can confidently state that Trace&Treat project attracted general public. In total we can confirm over 50 adults. Under this post you can find few photos from the event. Also if you would like to see our posters from the Researcher's Night you can visit the Downloads section.
Installation of AOPs ozonation unit and NBS modules at the WWTP Blansko
On the pictures below, you can witness the step-by-step installation process of our technology at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Blansko. The images capture the installation of the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) based on ozonation and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) modules. From the initial overview of the site to the close-up shots of the sophisticated equipment being integrated into the facility, each photo illustrates the dedication to enhancing water treatment efficiency and environmental sustainability. Witness the evolution of wastewater treatment, promising cleaner water outputs and a reduced ecological footprint for the community and beyond.
Removal of pharmaceuticals from a highly loaded source using ozonation
In recent years, the problem of the occurrence of micropollutants has attracted the attention of the professional and lay public, mainly because of the potential threats these substances pose to the environment. Efforts to regulate the occurrence of micropollutants in the environment are gradually being transformed into proposals for methodologies and guidelines aimed at monitoring and eliminating these substances. In the field of water management, a regulation is currently being prepared at the level of the European Union, which in its proposal calls for a significant reduction of selected representative micropollutants at wastewater treatment plants (WTP) by the end of 2035.
Ozonation technology using the principle of advanced oxidation processes was tested at the demonstration site of the Brno Veterinary University campus, representing a source highly loaded with pharmaceuticals. In total, seven experimental sets of measurements were carried out for the treatment of the effluent from the local WWTP, during which 24 different doses of ozone were tested. At an ozone dose in the range of 5.5 – 6.4 g O3/m3, an 80% reduction in the concentration of monitored pharmaceutical substances was achieved. Vibrio fischeri luminescence inhibition tests confirmed that the use of ozonation technology for the treatment of sewage effluent did not lead to a worsening of the ecotoxicological profile.
Urban Wastewater conference 2022
During the conference Urban Wastewater in 2022 was presented the main idea and scientific approach of the Trace&Treat project which is funded by State Environmental Fund of the Czech republic. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the applicability of advanced oxidation processes based on ozonation in combination with nature-based sollutions (artificial wetlands, bioremediation filters, activated carbon filters) in order to remove selected types of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites from wastewater treatment plant effluents and from highly loaded point sources (e.g. . medical and veterinary facilities). The aim of the project is to realize a demonstration of the proposed technologies in selected locations with minimum of 80 % average removal rate of substances of the indicative list from wastewater
If you are more interested in the research plan of the project, you can visit the conference proceeding with the link https://www.ardec.cz/download/Sbornik_MV2022_web.pdf to the page 220 or at the Downloads section.

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